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Cognitive Revolution
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Welcome to Cognitive Revolution


This is my show about the personal side of the intellectual journey. In each episode, I talk to a leading scientist, author, or academic about their early career experiences and how those experiences shaped their development. I created this show because it's all too easy to see the successes of great scientists and creatives as unattainable. But that's because we only see the outcome, not the process. Cognitive Revolution is a show about the process.


Available on iTunes, Spotify, etc. You can find a list of my favorite episodes here.


~~~ 2022 ~~~


#82: Annie Murphy Paul on Where the Mind Ends and the World Begins


#81: Kevin Birmingham on Where Great Books Come From


#80: Sam Gershman on the Structure of Cognitive Revolutions


#79: Randy Gallistel on Upsetting Neuroscientists (The Theory; The Story)


#78: Philip Johnson-Laird on How Cognitive Scientists Improvise


#77: Brian Christian on AI as a Human Problem, Part 2


#76: Charles King on Taking the Outsider Perspective


~~~ 2021 ~~~


#75: Susanna L. Harris on Building Community through Communication


#74: Nicole Barbaro on Judging a Book by it Cover


#73: Tara Thiagarajan on Brains—All 7 Billion of Them


#72: Andy Luttrell on Consistent Quality


#71: David Edmonds on Turning Philosophy into a Career


#70: Salma Mousa on Investing in Big Projects

#69: Coltan Scrivner on First-Gen to Fame


#68: Alexandra Chesterfield on Being a Conservative in a Liberal Environment


#67: Rebecca Saxe on the Beauty of the Mind


#66: Gordon Allport, The 20th Century's Psychologist


#65: Elizabeth Ricker on Personalizing Your Creative Process


#64: Azeem Azhar on the Exponential Age


#63: Jay Van Bavel on the Power of Us


#62: Ted Slingerland on How to Drink Well


#61: Scott Atran on The Risks We're Willing to Take


#60: Wade Davis on Becoming an Entrepreneur of Knowledge


#59: Christopher Bail on How Social Media Shapes our Identity


#58: Jeff Hawkins on Tackling the Big Problems


#57: Nancy Kanwisher on Finding Your Niche


#56: Louis Menand on How to Write about Everything


#55: Brian Christian on AI as a Human Problem (Pt 1)


#54: Pedro Domingos on Making the Textbook Smaller


#53: Liz Neeley on the Foundations of Good Stories


#52: Benjamin Moser on the Performance of Everyday Life


#51: Damon Centola on How Anomalies Drive Scientific Progress


#50: Ethan Kross on Harnessing the Voice in Your Head


#49: Joseph Henrich on What History Can Tell Us About Psychology


#48: Sir Simon Baron-Cohen on Putting Together the Big Picture


#47: William Labov on What People Actually Say


#46: Nicholas Christakis on Mastering Skills


#45: Tanya Luhrmann on Writing about Culture, Belief, & Life


#44: Anil Seth on Interdisciplinarity in Practice


#43: Denise Sekaquaptewa on How to Make Universities Work for Everyone


#42: Richard Nisbett on Telling More Than He Can Know


~~~ 2020 ~~~


#41: Michael McCullough on Why We Give a Damn


#40 Howard Gardner on the Synthesizing Mind


#39: Yael Niv on the Moral Obligations of Scientists


#38: Barry Wellman on the Academic Social Network


#37: Susan Goldin-Meadow on Being a World-class Listener


#36: Richard Shweder on How to Observe the World


#35: Annie Duke on Betting on Your Best Self


#34: Don Norman


#33: Mahzarin Banaji


#32: Sade Abiodun


#31: Sir Nigel Shadbolt


#30: Daniel Everett on Being Fully Immersed


#29: Maria Konnikova on Doing the Work


#28: Steven Pinker on Career Uncertainty


#27: Mark Granovetter on Why There are Revolutions


#26: Alan Baddeley on Proceeding Logically


#25: Michèle Lamont on Building Big Ideas


#24: Michael Inzlicht on the Optimal Number of Beers per Psychologist


#23: Brad Love on Lifelong Exploration


#22: Rob Henderson on the Search for Stability


#21: Olga Khazan on the Power of Outsiders


#20: Julia Shaw on Who We Are and Why It Matters


#19: Christof Koch on Incandescent Intellectualism


#18: Michael Tomasello on Writing for Young People


#17: Sander van der Linden on Intrinsic Motivation


#16: Heather Berlin on Bringing Science to the Masses


#15: Nicola Clayton on Enthusiastic Serendipity


#14: Weiji Ma on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome


#13: David Pizarro on How to Find Collaborators


#12: Dorsa Amir on Ultimate versus Proximate Goals


#11: Nicholas Epley on Designing a Good Life


#10: David DeSteno on Being Optimally Interdisciplinary


~~~ 2019 ~~~


#9: Linda B. Smith on Making the Best Local Decisions


#8: Cory Clark on Getting Traction


#7: Bradley Voytek on Being a Fuck-up with Potential


#6: Axel Cleeremans on Getting in on the Ground Floor


#5: Susan Fiske on the Role of Psychology in Society


#4: Scott Barry Kaufman on Planning with Precision and Purpose


#3: Chantel Prat on Unexpected Advantages


#2: Paul Bloom on Picking the Perfect Title


#1: Art Markman on Getting Your Work Out There


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